Legal Information

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Legal terms and conditions

By accessing the Website (as hereinafter defined), and/or by downloading a document available on the Website, and/or by sending an e-mail to SERMAT from the Website, each natural person (hereinafter referred to as the ‘User’) declares and warrants that he or she has previously read these legal terms and conditions, the legal information, the rules applicable to the protection of personal data and the conditions of use of the Website, and that he or she accepts the terms and conditions thereof without reservation, modification or restriction.

Legal information

This Website, accessible from the address: (the Internet Site) is published by SERMAT SAS, 249 rue de la Garenne 92000 NANTERRE (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’).

The Director of Publication of the Website is: Mr Jacques Neuvessel.

The Website host is Infomaniak Network SA, 26 avenue de la Praille, 1227 CAROUGE/GENEVA.

Protection of personal data

The e-mail address and any other personal data voluntarily included by the User in order to identify him/herself on the Website, in his/her e-mail sent to the Company, the IP (Internet Protocol) address of his/her Internet connection and the characteristics of his/her browser software are the only personal data that may be collected via the Website and processed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Personal Data’).

The Company is responsible for processing Personal Data on its own behalf. This data is stored and used solely for the purposes of replying to e-mails sent to the Company and its members, ensuring the IT security of the Website and/or the servers on which it is hosted, compiling Website consultation statistics, sending Users a newsletter by e-mail and ensuring that documents downloaded from the Website have been received. The aforementioned data is kept for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and processed. The Personal Data collected and processed by the Company via the Website is not transferred or leased, whether free of charge or in return for payment, to third parties.

All Users have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete their Personal Data. Any User who can prove his/her identity may, at any time, request that the nominative information concerning him/her be modified or deleted from the Website, by sending a letter by post exclusively to :

SERMAT SAS, 249 rue de la Garenne, 92000 NANTERRE, France

Personal data relating to members of the Company which is made accessible on the Website may not be collected or processed without the prior written consent of the person concerned. In particular, each User shall refrain from collecting and using, either manually or automatically, such personal data to send advertising messages or messages of any other nature that are not related to the activities of the Company and its members.

Intellectual property

Photographic credits

The photographs and illustrations presented on this site are the property of:

  • SERMAT SAS, 249 rue de la Garenne, 92000 NANTERRE, France
  • NETPILOTE SAS, 41/43, rue des Chantiers, 78000 VERSAILLES, France

Criminal sanctions exist in the event of reproduction, representation or distribution by any means whatsoever of artistic works without the authorisation of the copyright holders. Under article L 335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code, counterfeiting is an offence punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 152,449.02 Euros. The same penalties apply to software counterfeiting.

Intellectual property rights

All rights reserved © Copyright 2024 - SERMAT SAS & NETPILOTE SAS.

The reproduction and use of the information (texts, images and photos) published by the Company on this Website are authorised solely for the private use of the copier and are not intended for collective use (article L122-5 of the French Industrial Property Code). Consequently, any unauthorised representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, under penalty of legal action. Offenders will be liable to civil and criminal penalties, in particular the penalties provided for in articles L335-2 and L343-1 of the French Industrial Property Code.

The Company's logo and trademark are the intellectual property of the Company. No licence or right other than that of visiting the site is granted to any person with regard to intellectual property rights.

The Company authorises Users to download newsletters or other documents belonging to the Company which are made available to Users in the form of electronic files specifically for downloading. These files may only be downloaded via hypertext links which indicate that Users are authorised to download these files. In particular, Users shall refrain from distributing these documents to third parties by any means and on any medium.

Other provisions

The Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information made available to visitors to its Website, but such information may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors or may be incomplete. This information may be corrected and modified by the Company at any time and without prior notice. The Company may, at any time and without notice, make improvements or changes to the services offered on its Website and/or cease to market them.

The Website and the data, information and documents it provides are for general, non-exhaustive information purposes only and may under no circumstances be considered as constituting legal advice, canvassing, solicitation and/or an offer of services.

Each User is solely responsible for the use they make of the information provided on the Website and the Company may under no circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of this information by the User. The Company does not guarantee that the Website will be accessible on a continuous basis. The Company declines all responsibility for any information, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information available on its Website and for any use other than that for which it is intended. Furthermore, the Company cannot be held liable for any decision taken on the basis of this information.

Third party websites, their content and/or documents accessible via hypertext links published on the Website or in documents downloadable from the Website are the sole responsibility of their author(s) and shall not incur the liability of the Company.

All rights reserved - SERMAT SAS - 2024


249, rue de la Garenne
+33 1 46 52 68 68